Meet Chris and Paige

Hello From our Family

Hi, we are Chris & Paige! We are humbled that you are taking the time to review our profile as you consider the plan for you and your child. Any child placed with us will always know of the selfless and loving decision made by their birth parents. We will always speak highly of the birth parents and share that a courageous and brave decision brought the child to us. We think it is important for a child to have a connection to their biological family, but respect the level of openness you wish to have. Of course, we will always share pictures and letters.

We want you to know that we are committed to providing a loving and nurturing home. We have been eagerly preparing ourselves to become parents and we are excited about the possibility of starting our family through adoption. 

We have always known that we wanted to grow our family through adoption. Thank you once again for considering us to be the parents of your child and for giving us the opportunity to show you a small snapshot of what our lives look like through our adoption profile.

Read our Letter and Family Profile Here...


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Abe and Kevin
Placed Family

Jay and Drew
Placed Family

Adoption Circle

Adoption Circle's team of dedicated professionals are available 24/7 for birthparents and located across Ohio to assist you with your adoption needs.

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