Ohio Adoption Agency Birth Mother Services

Financial Help

Pregnancy always comes with additional and perhaps unexpected costs. If you are considering adoption, it is important to know your options for financial assistance. Adoption Circle will work with you to provide the financial support you need during your pregnancy. We offer financial counseling and birthmother financial assistance in the form of living expenses permitted under Ohio law such as rent, utilities, maternity clothing or food.

Medical Expenses

At Adoption Circle, we can assist with many, if not all, of your pregnancy-related medical bills, including prenatal care, doctor visits, lab work and delivery expenses. If insurance is a concern, your adoption specialist will help you get on Medicaid if you have not applied and can help you find a physician who will provide you and your baby with quality medical care. Adoption Circle will work closely with you to create an adoption hospital plan that meets all of your wishes the day of delivery.

24/7 Support

Counseling is very important when making an adoption plan. Adoption Circle encourages counseling throughout the decision-making process. We offer 24/7 birthparent support with caring, non-judgmental counseling available through Adoption Circle’s state-licensed, professional social workers. We will continue to support you after placement to assure your needs are being met.

Housing & Transportation

Adoption Circle can help you secure housing during your pregnancy. We want to make sure you are in a safe and comfortable environment while you are making an adoption plan. Ohio law allows for financial assistance with housing expenses and your Adoption Circle social worker can discuss this when you meet. If transportation is a problem, your adoption social worker can meet you at your home or a nearby location that is convenient for you. Our staff can also help arrange transportation to appointments and can help you access community transportation in the area if needed.

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Birthparent FAQs

Why choose adoption?

There are many different reasons why birthparents would choose adoption for their child. You might not be physically, emotionally or financially ready to be a parent and you know your child needs more than you are able to provide. Whatever the reason for considering adoption, there is never a wrong reason to want a certain life for your baby, as well as for yourself.

With adoption, birthparents can have full control over what happens and play an active role in every step of the process. It is also important to know adoption agencies like Adoption Circle can assist you with your needs during pregnancy. We can provide counseling, assist with medical expenses if needed, help secure housing and work closely with you create an adoption plan that fits your unique needs and wishes.

Are there any costs for me, the birth parent, if I choose an adoption plan with Adoption Circle?

No. Your legal, medical and counseling expenses that are a part of the adoption process are paid by the adoptive parents. Adoption Circle also may assist you with maternity clothes, housing, or other pregnancy and adoption expenses mandated under Ohio law.

What information, if any, is needed by the birth father?

Although an adoption can take place without the birth father’s involvement, it is in the best interest of all parties for him to participate. Adoption Circle believes it is important, if at all possible, for the birth father to be actively involved, as early as possible, in the adoption process. This is only possible if they can provide the agency with the information to contact the birth father. Children deserve a complete medical history and a legally sound adoption. A court hearing may be scheduled to legally terminate his parental rights.

How do I select the adoptive family?

Birthparents who work with Adoption Circle choose how they select an adoptive family.

Some birth parents choose to review profiles written by the prospective adoptive parents. While others will request that the agency select an adoptive family. If you choose to read profiles you will have the opportunity to hear about different adoptive families and their lives. The profiles describe a family’s strengths, weaknesses, occupations, education, hobbies, leisure activities, courtship, marriage, family life, religion, home, neighborhood, and infertility issues.

Getting to know the families through their profiles enables you to select a family that you believe will meet the needs of your child. You also are able to select the religion and where your child will be raised (in Ohio or another state). You have the opportunity to meet with them or talk with them over the telephone if you would like.

What kind of contact will I have with my child after the adoption?

The contact that you have will depend on the adoption plan that you design with the adoptive family. Adoption Circle has a policy that adoptive parents are to send pictures and letters for the birth parents, once a month for the first year. The agency encourages annual update pictures and letters after the first year as agreed upon by both birth and adoptive parents.

Will I have to go to court?

No. If the child is under 6 months of age and the birth parent is working with Adoption Circle it is not usually necessary to appear in court to relinquish parental rights.

I haven't told you (Kim Blajsczak-Blayney) how much I truly appreciate your support over the past 18ish years....but more so over the past 6 months!! You are amazing and I appreciate EVERYTHING you have done for me!! Thank you!

Birthmother, Columbus, OH

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Adoption Circle

Adoption Circle's team of dedicated professionals are available 24/7 for birthparents and located across Ohio to assist you with your adoption needs.

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