Posted on July 10, 2023 by Adoption Circle Staff
As we say goodbye to June we will look back at the month’s events. One thing June definitely brought was SUMMER, and the hot humid temperatures that come with it. We won’t complain too much because snow will be on the ground before you know it 😊.
In June we recognized and celebrated Pride Month and JuneTeenth.
Baby Q supported and celebrated with his two dads during the Pride Parade.
Juneteenth, was in recognition of the day in 1865 when the last enslaved people in America were emancipated. Adoption Circle honors Juneteenth and all the generations of activists that have fought and continue to fight for freedom and equality.
Father’s Day
In June we also celebrated Father’s Day. We honored all fathers, waiting fathers and father figures. “My father is like an igloo in the Arctic, an oasis in the Sahara, an umbrella on a rainy day. He is there whenever I need him.”
It is always exciting when the six-month post placement period is complete and families are able to finalize their adoptions. We celebrated Baby Caden’s and Baby Tobias’ adoption finalizations.
Adoption Circle Picnic
It’s BACK. It’s been 3 years since we have had our annual Adoption Circle picnic (thanks COVID). We are excited to bring back the picnic, so hold the date: 9-24-2023. More information to follow, but we can’t wait to see all of our wonderful families.
From the desk of the Birth Parents Director, Kim.
As we all know tweens and teen years can be a very difficult time. These can be tough years and adoption can make this time a bit more difficult to navigate. Dori Fujii, Adoptive Parent Counselor and Post-Adoption Therapist at The Cradle, shares some insight into what your tween wants you to know and how you can respond.
Looking forward to the July newsletter and highlighting all of July events. If you don’t follow us on our social media accounts (FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter), please do so. We post several times throughout the month! 😊